Kamis, 04 Juli 2013


[PAPER] Is there financial integration in the equity markets of the European Union? by Chris Higson, at.al, unduh

[REPORT] Handbook of Indonesia Energy and Economi Statistic 2011 unduh

[REPORT] Handbook on Economy and Energy Indonesia 2012 unduh

[BUKU Epub] Kathryn Mae | Stepchildren of Progress: Political Economy Development in Indonesian Mining Town unduh


[PAPER] Making WTO Membership Work for Least-Developed Countries: Lessons from Nepal and Cambodia » unduh

[PAPER] Environmental Impacts of Trade Liberalization in the Organic Agriculture Sector of the Lao PDR » unduh

[PAPER] Environmental Impacts of Trade Liberalization in Hydropower, Mining & Construction Material Sectors of Laos unduh

[PAPER] Making WTO Membership Work for Least-Developed Countries: Lessons from Nepal and Cambodia unduh

[PAPER] Environmental Impacts of Trade Liberalization in the Silk Handicrafts Sector of the Lao PDR unduh

[PAPER] Boom or Bust: How commodity price volatility impedes poverty reduction, and what to do about it unduh

[PAPER] Rapid Trade and Environment Assessment (RTEA): National Report for Lao PDR unduh

[PAPER] Rapid Trade and Environment Assessment (RTEA): National Report for Thailand unduh

[PAPER] Electrical and Electronic Equipment - Environmental impacts of trade liberalization unduh

[PAPER] Fisheries - Environmental impacts of trade liberalization unduh

[PAPER] Commodity Income Management: Selected Southeast Asian Economies unduh

[PAPER] Lessons Learned on Trade and Sustainable Development unduh

[PAPER] Green Box Support Measures Under WTO Agreement on Agriculture & Chinese Agricultural Sustainable Development unduh

[RISET] Expanding Shrimp Aquaculture on Sandy Land in Vietnam - Full Report unduh

[PAPER] Trade and Sustainable Development in China – Full Report unduh

[PAPER] Trade and Sustainable Development in Vietnam - Full Report unduh

[PAPER] Balancing Trade and Environmental Needs – Singapore’s Experience unduh

[PAPER] Commodity Revenue Management: India’s rapeseed/mustard oil sector » unduh

[PAPER] Compliance with International Standards in the Marine Fisheries Sector: A Supply Chain Analysis from Pakistan unduh

[PAPER] Price Volatility in the Cotton Yarn Industry: Lessons from India » unduh

[PAPER] Market Access Issues: EU - Bangladesh Trade RegimeA Case Study on Market Access: Myths and Realities unduh

[BUKU] Lessons Learned on Trade and Sustainable Development unduh

[PAPER] Green Box Support Measures Under WTO Agreement on Agriculture & Chinese Agricultural Sustainable Development unduh

[PAPER] China and Global Markets: Copper Supply Chain Sustainable Development: A Life Cycle Assessment Study unduh

[BUKU] State of the World 2006: Special Focus: China and India (© Worldwatch Institute) » unduh

[PAPER] Tingkat Inflasi dan Kebijakan Impor Hortikultura unduh

[PAPER] Pencegahan dan Penanganan Investasi Ilegal unduh

[PAPER] Dugaan Keberadaan Kartel Pangan dan Upaya Penanggulangannya unduh

[PAPER] Subsidi BBM sebagai Penyebab Defisit Neraca Perdagangan unduh

[PAPER] Keberadaan BRICS dan Implikasinya bagi Indonesia unduh

[PAPER] Opsi Kebijakan Dua Harga BBM Bersubsidi unduh

[PAPER] Ketidakpuasan Buruh Alih Daya unduh

[PAPER] Upaya Menekan Defisit APBN Tahun 2013 unduh

[BUKU] Pemberdayaan Masyarakat melalui PNPM Batam unduh

[BUKU] Anggaran Belanja Negara dari Masa ke Masa unduh

[PAPER] Persaingan Ekonomi Jepang-Cina di Kawasan unduh